Saturday, August 14, 2010

Praise and Recognition

Praise and recognition. That’s all I ask for. Praise and recognition in life. I want to be noticed for the things I do.

It’s harder being noticed for the things you do. You’re always noticed for things you don’t do.

“Why didn’t you do your homework?”

And nobody ever notices the other days when you actually did do it. They simply take it for granted.

But that’s a very stupid argument, isn’t it? Nobody cares about homework, really. It’s only when you don’t get praise and recognition for bigger things when it starts mattering.

That’s what I want in life. Praise and recognition.

An example. Music. Music is a large part of most people’s lives. And all the people who make music get praise and recognition. The Beatles. The Killers. Panic! At The Disco. Fall Out Boy. And to a lesser extent, Regina Spektor. (Mad props to you if you’ve heard of her.) But what about us people who start a band which either is too new to make it big, or which never made it big? Us aspiring musicians? Ever heard of The Paper Game? Yeah, I thought not.

Praise and recognition. That’s all I ever wanted.

What about writing? I love writing. That’s why I started this blog. It’s because I love to write. Incidentally, so does my best friend. Not many people know we’re writing novels. But we are. Don’t authors get praise and recognition? J.K. Rowling. Douglas Adams. Jane Austen. Even Stephanie Meyer, although I don’t exactly enjoy her books. We want our ideas out there, we want our stories to be read time and time again until the front covers fall off and you have to stick them back on with Scotch tape. We don’t want to write for fame or fortune. We just want praise and recognition.

“But isn’t fame and fortune the same as praise and recognition?”

Of course not.

We don’t want money, we don’t want to be famous. We just want to be praised and recognized for our efforts. Doesn’t everybody deserve that much, at least?

It’s not just a dream. We’re not dreaming.

We’re acting.

Because it’s all we want. Praise and recognition.


  1. You just said exactly what I was thinking. =) And I love you for that.

  2. I totally agree. I absolutely hate it when people ignore the things I do right and degrade me for everything I do wrong. I know that I should do what is right automatically, like homework or chores or even just demonstrating general responsibility/common sense. It just feels so much better when people gratify you for it. It's so expected that it's worth nothing. Look at all this hard work I did! What do I get?! Nothing NOW. I'll get a grade... LATER.

    Sigh. Is Kate, btw. XD
