Friday, August 6, 2010

Pineapples + Grapefruits =

So my best friend and I have a habit of being weird together. One day in one of our not-so-sporadic fits of strangeness I very enthusiastically announced to her that I had a new favorite word.

“Alex! My new favorite word is pamplemousse.”

“Isn’t that the French word for grapefruit?”


“Haha okay Shanthi, whatever you say…”

And since then, that was her nickname for me. “Hi Pamplemousse! What’s up Pamplemousse? Have you eaten any of your kind lately?”

And I’d always roll my eyes and laugh, secretly a little disappointed that I didn’t have a fruity nickname for her.

Until one bright beautiful day, when I discovered the next coolest fruit name in French.

“I have a second favorite word: anana.”

“Isn’t that the French word for pineapple?”


“Haha okay Shanthi, whatever you say…”

And since then, I’d always call her that. “Hi there Anana! What’s up Anana? Have you eaten any of your kind lately?”

We also discovered that, in addition to our inane addiction to fruit, we had yet another thing in common: we liked Regina Spektor. Correction: I like Regina Spektor. I just forced Alex to like it too. And now she likes it too. So technically, it still counts as another thing we have in common.

And the best part is that Alex can play the piano and I can sing, so we created our own little two-piece band which covers mainly Regina Spektor songs. The best part is that we didn’t even have to ponder upon what to name our little band. We did simple addition and came up with the equation anana + pamplemousse = ananamousse. It sounded like anonymous.

So today, we both sit at a little slumber party and instead of doing the things most girls do at sleepovers like paint rainbows and little hearts onto nails, we’re painting pineapples and grapefruits onto shirts. Yeah. That’s just how cool we are.

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1 comment:

  1. This is lovely. Your style reminds me of Sandra Cisneros. How wonderful the that the two of you found each other. --Sam
